Work Package 8 -- Dissemination and Exploitation
- Task1: Make working system available to end customers (Gigas, DC)
- Milestone M7.: Month 3 -- Gigas makes rapid prototype system available to small set of alpha customers
- Milestone M7.: Month 6 -- Gigas makes final prototype system available to small set of beta customers
- Milestone M7.: Month 12 -- DC deploys its first prototype application on the prototype system hosted by Gigas
- Milestone M7.: Month 24 -- DC offers a fully developed application based on CloudDSM to its customers
- Milestone M7.: Month 36 -- DC offers the CloudDSM system for use by its customers and incubated companies to develop their own applications
- Task2: Create Development tools to enhance exploitation by DC customers and incubated companies
- Milestone M6.: Month 24 -- Completion of minimal set of development tools
- Deliverable D6.: Month 24 -- minimum set of tools needed by DC's alpha customers in order to develop CloudDSM applications
- Milestone M6.: Month 36 -- Completion of final set of development tools
- Deliverable D6.: Month 36 -- final set of tools needed by DC's main customers in order to develop CloudDSM applications
In this workpackage, Gigas will make the CloudDSM system available to its customers, and Douglas Connect will deploy a Drug Discovery product on top of CloudDSM hosted by Gigas. Douglas Connect will also direct a sub contractor to create end-user development tools that simplify writing applications that use the CloudDSM system. Douglas Connect will make those development tools available to its customers and the startups that it incubates.