Work packages:
- WP 1: Coordination and Management -- XLAB
- WP 2: Web Portal -- XLAB
- WP 3: DSM Runtime System -- Sean
- WP 4: Application visible interface Design -- Sean
- WP 5: Toolchain -- IBM
- WP 6: Work Division and Scheduling -- ICL
- WP 7: End User Application -- Douglas Connect
- WP 8: Dissemination and Exploitation -- TBD
WP 1: Coordination and Management -- XLAB
details of WP1
- Task1: Project management and logistics - XLAB
- Task2: Administrative management and resource monitoring - XLAB
- Task3: Intellectual property management - ?
WP 2: Web Portal for CloudDSM -- XLAB or ICL
details of WP2
- Task1: Develop portal (XLab, ICL, DC, Gigas, Sean)
- Milestone M2.1: Month 6 -- working, simple, prototype of portal, with simple implementations of each subsystem
- Deliverable D2.1: Month 6 -- code and related artifacts of a working simple portal prototype (ready for use by DC and INRIA)
- Milestone M2.2: Month 24 -- Upgrades to portal that support changes made in the Scheduler and Specialization harness
- Deliverable D2.2: Month 24 -- Technical Report, code, and other artifacts related to the implementation of the portal and supporting subsystems.
- Milestone M2.3: Month 36 -- Upgrades to portal that support changes made in the Scheduler and Specialization harness
- Deliverable D2.3: Month 36 -- Technical Report, code, and other artifacts related to the implementation of the portal and supporting subsystems.
- Task2: Define Scheduling component within portal (ICL, XLab, Sean)
- Milestone M2.4: Month 6 -- detailed description of the final full featured scheduler
- Deliverable D2.4: Month 6 -- technical report that describes the interfaces to the scheduler and what functions it performs
- Task4: Testing and performance tuning of full CloudDSM system (IBM, DC, INRIA, CWI, Gigas, ICL, XLab)
- Milestone M2.: Month 12 --
- Deliverable D2.: Month 12 --
WP 3: DSM Runtime System (Sean, INRIA, CWI, ICL, XLab)
details of WP3
- Task1: Architecture of hierarchical DSM runtime system.
- Milestone M3.: Month 12 --
- Deliverable D3.: Month 12 --
- Task2: DSM runtime system on a shared memory x86 based Cloud server instance -- Sean with involvement by XLAB
- Milestone M3.: Month 12 --
- Deliverable D3.: Month 12 --
- Task3: DSM runtime system on a shared memory Power based Cloud server instance -- IBM plus Sean with involvement by XLAB
- Milestone M3.: Month 12 --
- Deliverable D3.: Month 12 --
- Task4: Integration testing (Gigas, DC, INRIA, XLAB)
- Milestone M3.: Month 12 --
- Deliverable D3.: Month 12 -- compilation report of which integrations passed and which failed, and actions taken to fix the fails
WP 4: Application visible interface design
details of WP4
- Task 1: Define more precisely the class of applications that CloudDSM targets
- Milestone M5.: Month 12 --
- Deliverable D5.: Month 12 --
- Task 2: Define the needs of the toolchain, what degrees of freedom it needs in order to accomplish the desired transforms of the source code.
- Milestone M5.: Month 12 --
- Deliverable D5.: Month 12 --
- Task 3: Define the needs of the runtime system, what characteristics it needs in the code generated by the toolchain in order to deliver high performance.
- Milestone M5.: Month 12 --
- Deliverable D5.: Month 12 --
- Task 4: Define the needs of the application developer, what mental models and what syntax, and what debugging and code-checking support they desire.
- Milestone M5.: Month 12 --
- Deliverable D5.: Month 12 --
- Task 5: Integrate the results of tasks 1 through 4 into a specification of the interfaces used by the application developer.
- Milestone M5.: Month 12 --
- Deliverable D5.: Month 12 --
- Task 6: Development tools to support the writing of application code.
- Milestone M5.: Month 12 --
- Deliverable D5.: Month 12 --
WP 5: Compiler Toolchain -- IBM
details of WP5
- Task 1: participate in WP 4 task 2, as part of arriving at the interface that WP 5 will take as input.
- Milestone M5.: Month 12 --
- Deliverable D5.: Month 12 --
- Task 2: Define intermediate, low level form of code annotation. The interfaces defined in WP 4 will be translated into this common lower level form.
- Milestone M5.: Month 12 --
- Deliverable D5.: Month 12 --
- Task 3: Create tools that transform from each form of higher level code annotation into the common lower level code annotation form.
- Milestone M5.: Month 12 --
- Deliverable D5.: Month 12 --
- Task 4: Create transform tools that translate from the common lower level form into the final C form of the code.
- Milestone M5.: Month 12 --
- Deliverable D5.: Month 12 --
WP 6: Work Division and Scheduling -- ICL
details of WP6
- Task1: Develop scheduler (ICL, XLab, Sean)
- Milestone M2.5: Month 12 -- First, simple, version of the full scheduler integrated into portal (replaces "dummy" version inside prototype portal)
- Deliverable D2.5: Month 12 -- code and related artifacts of the working scheduler
- Milestone M2.6: Month 24 -- Subset of advanced scheduler features functioning and integrated into portal.
- Deliverable D2.6: Month 24 -- code and related artifacts of the working second-stage scheduler
- Milestone M2.7: Month 36 -- All advanced scheduler features working within the integrated system.
- Deliverable D2.7: Month 36 -- code and related artifacts of the working final, advanced scheduler
WP 7: End User Application -- Douglas Connect
details of WP7
- Task1: divide application into user client, computation kernels, and work division
- Milestone M6.: Month 12 --
- Deliverable D6.: Month 12 --
- Task2: mock up using annotations
- Milestone M6.: Month 12 --
- Deliverable D6.: Month 12 --
- Task3: employ the various interfaces
- Task4: Develop a software solution for de-novo genome assembly using De-Brujin graphs, which utilizes the CloudDSM system. (LarkBio)
- Task5: Validate the solution on a dataset which can be solved using currently available tools. (LarkBio)
- Task6: Validate the solution on large dataset, which is not feasible without CloudDSM. (LarkBio)
WP 8: Dissemination and Exploitation -- Gigas
details of WP8
- Task1: Make working system available to end customers (Gigas, DC)
- Milestone M7.: Month 3 -- Gigas makes rapid prototype system available to small set of alpha customers
- Milestone M7.: Month 6 -- Gigas makes final prototype system available to small set of beta customers
- Milestone M7.: Month 12 -- DC deploys its first prototype application on the prototype system hosted by Gigas
- Milestone M7.: Month 24 -- DC offers a fully developed application based on CloudDSM to its customers
- Milestone M7.: Month 36 -- DC offers the CloudDSM system for use by its customers and incubated companies to develop their own applications
- Task2: Create Development tools to enhance exploitation by DC customers and incubated companies
- Milestone M6.: Month 24 -- Completion of minimal set of development tools
- Deliverable D6.: Month 24 -- minimum set of tools needed by DC's alpha customers in order to develop CloudDSM applications
- Milestone M6.: Month 36 -- Completion of final set of development tools
- Deliverable D6.: Month 36 -- final set of tools needed by DC's main customers in order to develop CloudDSM applications